Clinical aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils for specific outcomes that are measurable. These effects can occur at a physical or psychological level. “In countries such as France (the birth place of modern aromatherapy), aromatherapy has been established as a recognised natural therapy used to treat and heal the body.

It is used to treat a wide range of emotional and physical conditions and is particularly effective in the management of stress and the treatment of conditions such as anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, menstrual and menopausal symptoms, weakened immune system and muscular pain and tension.

The clinical aromatherapy treatment starts by taking a detailed medical history to ensure the most appropriate oils are selected in the treatment of specific conditions. The oils are then applied by therapeutic massage to aid absorption, boost the circulation and promote relaxation and a feeling of well-being.

For health concerns a series of treatments is usually recommended, using massage and reflexology or making product such as creams, lotions and pulse point oils. Clients who use the service for relaxation and to release stress and tension from the body may only require a one off massage or reflexology treatment. However for long lasting effects, a series of treatments is suggested to maintain the desired results over a period of time. As with all natural therapies, choosing to heal yourself by natural methods takes time and if you give it time you will see and feel the benefits that can be gained from organic essential oils.

Society makes many demands in the areas of self image, finding the right partner, raising a family and combining all of this with a career. Such demands place pressure on an individual at work, home, and socially, and in turn, plays havoc with the body’s systems. Eventually, disease is the outcome. Disease can be in the form of stress, insomnia, headaches, irritabitity, increased blood pressure, depression, fatigue, pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, menopause and muscular problems and chronic pain syndrome. A medical practitioner is essential in diagnosing and prescribing suitable medication, however if the latter is not working, Clinical aromatherapy can work alongside conventional Western medicine to help heal and support illness or symptoms of ill health and disease.

If you would like a free phone consultation (no obligation) then contact me and I will get in touch with you. If there is something suitable for you after a consultation, then we could work together to bring you closer to optimum health. I have worked successfully treating insomnia, eczema, psoriasis, ME, MS, fibromyalgia, arthritis, anxiety, depression, pain and inflammation and many other symptoms of disease from working with mental health and the emotions to directly effecting the physical body such as helping people suffering with oedema, swelling, IBS and fungal infections, just to name a few.

Jonathan Sarson Clinical Aromatherapist MAR, OCN, VTCT, CNHC registered

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